Friday, April 30, 2010

Global bake sale is "sweet" vegan activisim

Vegitarieans hold bake sales, having sweets that are made with vegan food. They are trying to get their message across about how you can be a vegan, and not kill animals without doing it in a violent matter. Many people bought the sweets, in some places, those sales will go to research. In California funds will go to breast cancer research and education. Vegans are trying to let other's know that you can have good tasting food if somebody is considering becoming a vegitarian. Some people become vegans because of animal wellfair, others to try to reduce their cabon footprints, and others do it for a healthier life style.

I think that it is a good way to get others informed about being vegitarian. They are not bieng violent or forcefull and they are not forcing others to become vegans. They are not making others feel bad if they are not vegans. These people are just informing others of the lifestyle of being a vegan, and how it can help not only you, but the planet and animals as well. The bake sales are a good way to show others that being a vegitarian does not mean boring, tastless food. There can be good tasting food when you are a vegan. I do think it is a good thing to help animals, to reduce our carbon footprints and to have a healty life style. Doing anything, if it means giving up meat, can help. You do not necissarily have to give up meat to help the earth, but it can help.